Recent Updates
18 December 2002
From Gregory Mullen:
A picture and information of the Denmark Oíche
Chiúin promotional CD. |
From Brent Cardin:
A picture of the UK Wild
Child promotional CD-R. |
From Lucilio Batini:
A picture of the Japan Enya
limited edition gold CD. |
Added details and a picture of a Marble
Halls Korean promo, pictures of the USA Enya
"longbox" and the UK Only
Time promo CD-R. |
29 November 2002
22 November 2002
15 November 2002
1 November 2002
From Ralf Badautschek:
Details and pictures of the Japanese promo Sampler
for Shepherd Moons. |
From Sebastian Zorn:
Contributed a picture of the Orinoco
Flow sheet music. |
From Brent Cardin:
Information and pictures of the new Japanese promo Special
Sampler 2002. |
From Steven McMillan:
News of a packaging variation for the Taiwanese A
Day Without Rain set. |
Split the book section into three parts; added
links to the translation sites to the home page; added movies
which have Enya songs on the Soundtracks
page; added the video Portrait
of Ireland; and updated the release dates and the track
list of Only Time - The
Collection (Deora Ar Mo Chroí has been added to the
fourth disc). |
27 September 2002
Added information about the new box set Only
Time - The Collection. Only a track list and release
dates are known at this time. Improved pictures of A Box
of Dreams. |
From Lucilio Batini:
Contributed many new pictures of older Japanese releases.
These include 3 Tracks, Anywhere
Is, Book of Days, The
Celts album and The Celts
single, Calmi Cuori
Appassionati, The Enya
Collection, Exile, The
Memory of Trees, Only If...,
On My Way Home, Only
Time, Paint The Sky With Stars,
Shepherd Moons, Watermark
and Wild Child. His web page
has been added to the Links section. |
From Christian Bernard:
Supplied information about the early Enya videos "Aldebaran"
and "I Want Tomorrow", which are part of the BBC The
Celts documentary. These are now listed in the Promotional
Videos section. |
8 September 2002
31 August 2002
18 August 2002
Many factual corrections and additions to the
singles section, several improved pictures of the
singles. Pictures of the Book
of Days and The Celts
limited edition art prints. Pictures of the different 6
Tracks OBI strips. Picture of the 10th Anniversary Exile
with OBI strip. Improved picture of the vinyl Only
If... release. Additional picture of the US Orinoco
Flow promo CD. Improved Storms
in Africa promo vinyl picture. Additional Exile
promo pictures. Improved Only
Time (Remix) Australia and Japan CD-R pictures. |
30 July 2002
16 July 2002
1 June 2002
28 April 2002
From Jerome Allison:
Better pictures of US Wild
Child promo CD test pressing. |
From Brian Baranoski and Jerome Allison:
Details and scans of an additional US Only
Time promo CD. |
21 April 2002
7 April 2002
From Christian Bernard:
Further details of UK May
It Be promo video. |
From Ralf Badautschek:
Details of another Japanese promo issue of Only
Time (Remix). |
From David Le Dû:
Details of French editions of Wild
Child and Only Time (Remix). |
From Jens Speh:
Details of Australian CD edition of Enya;
details of Japanese May
It Be promo. |
31 March 2002
From Brian Baranoski:
Updated picture of 7" vinyl edition of Only
Time (Remix). |
From Jens Speh:
Details of Australian promotional edition of Only
If...; details of Japanese 10th anniversary promotional
issue of Book Of Days;
additional details of Japanese Enya
promo album. |
24 March 2002
From Lucilio Batini:
Details and cover scan of UK promotional DVD for The
Video Collection. |
From Jens Speh:
Improved scan of Grammy
EPK promotional DVD; details and cover scan of the
Singapore edition of Enya; scan
of Australian May It
Be promo; details of Australian Anywhere
Is promo. |
17 March 2002
9 March 2002
From Jerome Allison:
Details and scans of the US Wild
Child CD promo; better quality scans for the US Exile,
Caribbean Blue and
The Celts promos;
better quality scans for the Japanese Only
Time (Remix) promo. |
From Ralf Badautschek:
Details of Japanese Wild
Child promo based on commercial release; details and scans
of a Japanese CD-R promo for Only
Time. |
From Daryl:
Additional details for the UK jukebox issue of Anywhere
Is. |
From Jens Speh:
Details of US promo
videos for Book Of Days and the making of Caribbean
Blue, and a UK promo video for May It Be; cover
variety for the Taiwanese issue of Paint
The Sky With Stars; scans of US Only
Time (Remix) promo CD-R. |
From Christian Bernard:
Additional details for the UK VHS promo
video for Only Time (Remix). |
| |