[Japanese] [Welcome!] [Studio BE] [America Offline] [Dream Hermitage] [Hummingbird]

[Welcome to Studio BE]

Japanese Page is available.

        What is "Studio BE"?
Our self-introduction.
Meridian, Mississippi Where we are. Cultural background and sightseeing guide.

America Offline   A cross-cultural view about America and Japan.
Vol. 1 (before 2003), Vol. 2
Ryukyo Takano's Dream Hermitage
Works of a calligrapher, Ryukyo Takano (1902-1972).
Introducing art of paper folding from Japan. A beautiful animation.
[IMAGE] Hummingbird
My short movie about a day in the life of a hummingbird.

Tibby's Gallery
Cute pictures of our pet; Tibby the Cat.
Vol.1  Vol.2

You are visitor No. 180763  since January 02, 2001.

Thanks for coming! Enjoy!

Copyright ©  2008—2017   Eiji Takano  (Studio BE)
Address: Eiji Takano, 421 Willow Ridge Drive #26, Meridian, MS 39301, U.S.A.