Linatla hiTlakan,
Second Circle Scholoar Priestess of Thumis
Linatla hiTlakan is a 19 year old
2nd Circle Scholar-Priestess and sorceror of Thumis. Standing at
just 4' 10", she can literally easily be
overlooked. With her long,
dark hair, coppery complexion, and slender build she does not stand out
among the Tsolyani crowd. She wears the grey robe and black skullcap
of a Thumis priest and favors the Aspects of Muor the Sage of Sages, patron
of research and knowledge and Tyelu "She Who Guides", patron of librarians
and sages.
Linatla is the only child of her
biological parents, Mridok hiTlakan
and Layeth hiTlakan, though they
desired more. Layeth made many sacrifices to Avanthe's Aspect Chikuna
"The Ripener", but to no avail. The constrast could not have been
greater with her clan-sister Chashana
hiTlakan, the wife of Mridok's elder brother Mriktoken.
Like Layeth, Chashana had also had a child soon after marriage, a son Kemuel.
But no other children followed, to Mriktoken's intense irritation.
However, Chashana made no pilgrimages to Lady Chikuna's altar. Rather,
clan gossip swirled around her, whispering of lisutl-chewing behind her
husband's back. The gossip was easily believed as Chashana was widely
regarded as a self-absorbed, shallow woman, playing at being the good clan-girl
that Layeth actually was.
Linatla grew up as the favored only
child in their cozy family apartment, somewhat secluded from others despite
their residence in the clanhouse. She saw as little as possible of
her other father Mriktoken and other mother Chashana, since Mridok avoided
his brash, ambitious brother as much as possible. Mriktoken was rising
in the Palace of the Realm while Mridok was languishing in the temple guard
of Thumis. But Linatla was a bright child who applied herself diligently
to her studies, while Kemuel was always skipping classes and getting into
trouble. Mriktoken would love to see Linatla fail in life.
Layeth's mother Sidla,
a 10th Circle Ritual Priestess of Thumis, kept a close eye on her granddaughter
from her residence in the Temple of Thumis in Bey Su. Early on, she
guessed correctly that Linatla was capable of sorcery, and brought the
young girl to the temple for extra studies as much as possible.
The cozy family life began to crumble
when Linatla turned 14, declared her Aridani status and began her temple
studies. Her mother begged her not to move out of the clanhouse,
and so Linatla gained permission to continue living there, though she put
in long hours at the temple. Not long after that, her father was
called away from the temple guard to join the Legion of the Lord of Wisdom,
22nd Heavy Infantry. When he left Bey Su to fight in the civil war,
it was the first time he and Layeth had been separated for any appreciable
length of time.
Linatla did not take long to gain
the First Circle, and she was beginning to be noticed at the temple.
She excelled in her studies of Engsvanyali history and language, and worked
diligently in the temple's library. Theologically, she began to sift
through the competing doctrines, and accepted the Transcendentalism of
the Eye over the Phenomenal Manifestation of the Eye ("Why would Lord Thumis,
who wants to spread knowledge to all, use such a secretive method?") or
the Immanence of the Eye ("La! If Lord Thumis is a part of everything,
how can anything be of another god's essence? And yet, there is a
distinction between Stability and Change.") This began to move her
in the direction of the adepts who hold to the Emanation of Supernal Light
doctrine: that all knowledge comes from Lord Thumis and emanates outward
from Him like the radiance of the sun. Those who go unto Him and
open theirselves to Him are able to gain knowledge more quickly and easily
than those who are shadowed with mundane matters. But just as she
was about to be approached, disaster struck.
Her father was dead. Her mother
Layeth broke down completely at the news and ceased to eat or sleep or
respond to the outside world. Linatla took a six month sabbatical
from her temple studies and stayed in the clanhouse, watching over her
mother, feeding her, taking her to the priests of Ketengku. Layeth
gradually recovered, but is today a quiet, withdrawn person, much dependent
on her daughter.
When Linatla returned, she found
herself scorned by the Sect of the Emanation of the Light. Obviously
"mundane matters" had too great a hold on her. Though she reached
the Second Circle in good time, she has noticed a slight cooling in general
toward her, despite her brilliance in her studies. She suspects that
her devotion to the Temple is being questioned, despite Sidla's advocacy
for her.