Tekumel:  The World Of The Petal Throne

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Non-Player Characters

Last Update:  Saturday, November 18, 2000


Red Sky Clan
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Arkutu hiTresal - Tirrikámu, Temple Guards, Temple of Chiteng in Béy Sü

Arkutu hiTresal of Tumissa, Clan Red Sky, 19 year-old Tirrikamu of the Temple Guard of Chiteng in Bey Su. Close friend of Tsutel hiHketoketl and frequent visitor to the Golden Dawn clanhouse in Bey Su. The two met over a theological dispute and became fast friends after an arduous wrestling duel to resolve their grievance with each other. While they did not know each other growing up in Tumissa, their origins provide additional familiarity so far away from home. 

Members of Golden Dawn suspect that young Arkutu's influence is corrupting Tsutel, as their favorite pastimes involve attending events at the Hirilakte Arena and nights at establishments run by the temples of Dlamelish and Hrihiyal. It is unknown if they are lovers, though rumour abounds.

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