FalconCircle    Where Can I Get Linux?    CircleFalcon

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The golden Heru'wer graphics used on this page are from http://www.kemet.org. They are used with permission.  Thanks, folks, and Ankh Udja Seneb!

The Internet is probably the most readily available place to get it, via FTP or other downloading.  Of course, if you're on a dialup line like your friend and humble narrator, you might want to think about where to get a copy of Linux on CD or DVD.  There are several ways to do this without using your phone line or broadband connection - you could buy a book (expensive, usually), or a magazine such as Linux Format or Linux User & Developer with disks included (cheaper, and definitely worthwhile), or a boxed set of  Linux disks from a  software store  (moderately to horrifically expensive, but with added benefits of user support, usually).

If you're interested in trying out multiple distributions, consider ordering a multi-pak from CheapBytes.com.  For about twenty dollars, you'll get binary-only copies (no source code)  of some dozen or so different flavors, or distributions, of Linux in a package of about fifteen disks.

The cheapest way to get Linux is to copy it.  YES, Virginia, it is legal.  So long as Linux is distributed under the GPL, you can copy and redistribute it to your heart's content (but definitely go read and understand the GPL, please).  The SCO Group is seeking to change all that, but that's the subject of another question.  Get with a friend, or go to a local Linux User's Group meeting and ask for a copy - I'd be willing to bet that some friendly geek with a laptop and a CD burner will hook you up in short order.

Of course, nowadays you could just buy a computer that comes with Linux pre-installed.  LindowsOS is being sold on computers at Sam's Club and Wal-Mart in the U.S. these days, and there are other distributors which will package a desktop or a notebook for you, usually at substantial savings over systems with other operating systems.

This webpage was created with Mozilla Composer for Linux.  Cleanup was completed with KATE, the KDE Advanced Text Editor.  Graphics were manipulated using The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).  For best viewing, set your video resolution to at least 800 X 600 pixels, at least 16-bit color depth.