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This is gonna take some explaining. I have very strong feelings
about this matter, and I'll try my best to keep them out of this
answer. I can't guarantee that I'll succeed. In March of 2003, The SCO Group, allegedly the owners of the rights to the Unix System V source code, filed suit against IBM to the tune of some $3 billion, accusing IBM of a breach of contract and a violation of their rights to Unix by illegally including Unix source code in Linux kernel 2.4. They also served notice at that time that they intended to sue users of Linux who did not purchase from them a license, selling for $695 a seat (if you act now before any of their evidence can be thrown out at trial). Later that year they "revoked" IBM's Unix license - IBM has disregarded said revocation and continues to distribute its AIX operating system and to contribute to Linux. Since that time, SCO has steadily dragged its feet to delay the discovery process for as long as possible, so that they could create as much media attention and hysteria about this case as possible with (in my opinion and that of several others) an eye toward unlawfully extorting undue revenues and misappropriating for themselves the hard work of thousands of volunteer developers by taking Linux "closed-source". Microsoft has contributed to SCO's war chest by "buying a license" to the tune of some several millions of dollars, dragging Baystar into the fray with them to bankroll SCO's assault on Linux, the GPL, and free software in general. The same lawyers who prosecuted Microsoft for anti-trust violations are back in the driver's seat, probably making a million bucks an hour, to help SCO steal Linux from its rightful owners, the people of the planet Earth. In recent events, SCO has expanded the scope of its original suit against IBM to $5 billion, and again, I believe, but I am not sure of the amount at this time. They have also been served an injunction in the German courts directing them to stop publishing unfounded and unprovable accusations on the SCO website in Germany (they violated the terms of that injunction, by the way), have been countersued by Red Hat Software, Novell, and IBM, and have filed suit against American auto parts chain AutoZone and automobile manufacturer Daimler-Chrysler for using Linux after deciding that they might be getting in over their head to go after Bank of America. I tell ya, it's worse than WWF Wrasslin' or a baaaaad episode of Dallas! The latest news on this front indicates that it may be another YEAR before it even goes to trial. Maybe all of SCO's top brass will have dumped their stocks by then. Meanwhile, SCO is under investigation by the Securities & Exchange Commission for misconduct and allegations of insider trading. There's even more here, but I've failed to keep as exacting a record as the law would probably require of me to be able to prove all the public statements I'm making here. You'll probably read about me being sued by SCO before it's over... You don't have to take my word for it, though. There are links here and here to get you started on learning the truth for yourself. Enjoy if you can. |
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