Tekumel:  The World Of The Petal Throne

The Golden Dawn Chronicles
The Story Thus Far

Chapter Two
At The Clanhouse

Last Update:  Saturday, November 18, 2000

At The Clanhouse
Hritkolun hiSoruna
Aknallu hiHketoketl
Dlan hiVraisuna
Linatla hiTlakan
Areli Turugdashen hiFesrengala
Tsurána hiFesrengála
Sruma hiSoruna
Tsutel hiHketoketl

The Golden Dawn clanhouse stands just beyond the Gate of Old Bones in  Patyél's Wall, which separates the Old City from the newer sections  that have grown up around it over the millennia. Although solidly  middle rank these days, Golden Dawn boasts an Engsvanyáli heritage   (or so its elders claim), which would explain its clanhouse's  location at the edges of the Old City. Of course, the clanhouse is  also not far from those of more business-oriented clans or from the  Great Market of Ashonétl Viriddá, a fact that more truly aristocratic  clans never fail to mention when old Kotáru makes grand  pronouncements about his clan's place in the Soul of the World. 

Not  far away are the Barracks of the Legion of Hnálla, Master of Light,  and the Palace of War, both of which have seen Golden Dawn influence  over the years.    The clanhouse itself is modest and shows signs of having once been  grander and more impressive than its current state, a fact that  buttresses the elders' claims about the clan's ancient nobility.  Children run freely throughout its halls, followed closely by the   good clan girls who mind them. Though not wealthy, Golden Dawn's  numbers are large and grow more so each year, as the end of the Civil  War returned many young men and women to Béy Sü to settle down and  start families of their own. The familiar smells of cooking waft  through the halls as well, reminding visitors that the clan still  knows how to feed its members in style. 

You inform one of the servants that the clanmaster has sent for you,  showing his missive and seal. The slave immediately leads you through  the clanhouse's various apartments, reminding you of the time you  spent here as a child, running about with your cousins, just as the  youngsters do even now. You pass the rooms of relatives whom you know  well, in addition to those whose names you barely recognize. Yes,  there have been many changes in the clanhouse since your youth and  you cannot help but think there will be many more in the days ahead.    The slave leads you at last to Kotáru's rooms, where you find the old  man sitting on the floor with a large number of scrolls arrayed  before him. At first, he takes no notice of your entrance, but a  cough from the slave draws his attention. The old man, bald and  cleanshaven, looks up at you and smiles. The slave helps him to his   feet and Kotáru extends his hands in greeting.    "I am so pleased you could make it on such short notice. There is  much to discuss. Come, follow me." He then walks -- with an obvious  limp -- toward an adjoining room, where you find even more scrolls  opened on a short table, as well as numerous cousins, some of whom  you haven't seen since childhood. Seeing how utterly undistinguished  they all are -- including yourself -- you can't help but wonder what  old Kotáru is playing at. 

Sensing your curiosity, the old man announces, "I suppose you are all  wondering why I have called you here today." He waits only for a  moment before continuing, "As I explained in my letter, I believe the  time is now right to restore our clan to greatness, to take back  those things the Usurper wrongfully stole from us."

"Recently, I was approached by a member of the Glory of the Worm  clan. He and his clan suffered mightily during the Usurper's reign as  well. Though followers of mighty Lord Sárku, Glory of the Worm did  not support the Usurper, believing -- quite rightly -- that  his 'reign' was an abomination to the gods, as well as to men. Thus,  they too lost agricultural lands outside the city to more loyal   followers of the Usurper."

"This member of the Glory of the Worm approached me because he  believed we could aid one another in regaining our lost property. He  suspects that the God-emperor need only see legal document showing  proof of our respective ownership in order to return what is ours. I  have consulted with several legalists, who share his opinion.  Unfortunately, the deeds to both our claims are no longer held by us,  having been taken by the Domed Tomb clan along with our property.  That is why I have need of you. I want to get those deeds back, in  order to press our claim before the emperor."

"As you have probably guessed, the clan elders do not support this  action and have asked me not to undertake it. That is why I have  turned to you. Were you to take this action on your own, the censure  of the clan would not befall me. However, doing so entails great   risks and I will understand if up and coming young people such as  yourselves are reluctant to undertake it. Nevertheless, I believe the  time is right to act. With the aid of the Glory of the Worm -- who  know that noble actions transcends religious affiliation -- we can  succeed, but only with your help." 

"Will you help me?"    Kotáru then looks around the room, awaiting the many questions and  objections that have already bubbled forth in your mind -- and  undoubtedly in the minds of your cousins as well. 


Hritkolun coughed slightly, when he heard none of the cousins  of higher social status begin. Still hearing nothing, he ventured  a comment.  "O clanmaster, your wisdom in these matters transcends mine,  by the very definition of your office. While it gives me great joy  to hear that the Glory of the Worm Clan could be so lan in this  matter, could it be that they might be motivated by other things  than a simple desire to recoup their losses? Could others of the  Followers of the Usurper be exerting influence upon them, to embroil  our clan in an even worse predicament? Or, rather, let me say that  plots within plots are almost certain: may we hope such are not the  Worm-followers' main reason for this proposed alliance?"  Hritkolun made an appropriate form of gratitude for the  attention received, and subsided. 


Aknallu spoke plainly when Hritkolun was done, more in the manner of a warrior than a priest, "Clanmaster, I am yours to command. The greater glory of the clan  must  come before personal concerns. Please enlighten us about what these  Worm-loving mountain people have to offer us, and what price they will  exact."


Dlan hiVraisúna keeps the pleasant smile fixed upon his face, a slight  crease in his forehead the only thing to betray his worry.    "Clanmaster, forgive me, but these things confuse me. It is only  recently that I, simple as I am, learned that an Emperor could be deposed, or that one could Usurp the Petal Throne. This is a time of  Changes, and sometimes Noble Action is made obscure by the movements  of  the powerful, whose Nobility we cannot always see, being limited and  unwise ourselves. I see the value of this cause, but it makes me  uneasy  that we perform deeds in secret. No doubt we have already rejected  the  use of the Black Y clan in these dealings? It is Noble Action to  follow the dictates of my clanmaster, and will follow as you see fit,  noble one. I place my skills and my name in your hands to dispose of  as  you wish."


"Yes, I will offer up what I can to the benefit of the clan. Do  the  elders of the Glory of the Worm feel as ours do? Will this be  clandestine  on both sides?"    Linatla pauses, turning the situation over in her mind. "We are  certain  that the only documents are in Domed Tomb's possession? Aren't such transactions usually registered with the Palace of the Realm?"  Her voice trails off as she realizes she's probably being naive.


Stepping forward from amongst her clan cousins, Areli  inclines her head towards Kotáru as a mark of respect, and  with hands clasped before her, she says, "Tsinentusmi,  please allow me to echo my cousin, Hritkolun's words and  thank you for holding myself and our clan's investments in  my schooling in your thoughts when considering those of our  clan upon whom you could call to attend to this dark matter.  I am honoured by your regard."    She looks around at the rest of the assembled best of the  Clan of the Golden Dawn, before continuing, "That a clan  such as Glory of the Worm can hold that the "reign" of the   Usurper was an abomination to the gods, as well as to men,  shows that there are an enlightned few amongst the followers  of the Tlokiriqáluyal.  That the Glory of the Worm has lost  just as much as the Golden Dawn has, is indicative of the  heinous regard that the Usurper held for all faiths other than his own."    "Tsinentusmi, I will gladly step forth and help you, for I am indebted to my clan for the investment that it has placed  within me. Our course of actions will surely favour our faith and our clan! But Kotáru, I must draw all our  attentions to any course of action that you call upon us to  undertake as if you do not have the permission of the Clan  Elders to proceed, it may well be regarded as illegal.  I do so, not to dissaude any of us, but to cast your suggested next actions against the Clan of the Domed Tomb in the light  that they should be seen in."


Tsurána says, "Is it not bussán to essentially steal the deeds, even  though they were stolen from our clan to begin with?  One foul act to  correct a previous foul act seems to be folly in the eyes of the Gods.  How can  we perform this important action without falling into the same  behavior  that was perpetrated on us? Do we not risk becoming as ignoble as the  Usurper?  If the question of Noble Action can be resolved, I will  enthusiastically  pursue this task." 


Srúma looks a bit distressed. "Noble cousins, no one has yet spoken  of  theft or other bússan behavior. Let us not leap to conclusions." He  addresses Kótaru: "Esteemed Dlántükoi, must we commit to this endeavor  before we know anything of it? Please tell us more. I think all of  us are  eager to bring glory to the clan, but to go against the wishes of the  elders is no small thing for such children as we. Domed Tomb clan may  foul  the air with their corruption, but they retain much status and  wealth. How  could our humble selves hope to compel them to return the deeds?"


As Tsutel hiHketoketl entered the adjoining room at Kotaru's urging,  he nodded to the others assembled there, catching Aknallu's eye with a raised brow and confused half-smile.    After bowing to the dlantukoi, he navigated through the assemblage to a set of cushions near Aknallu and the wall and seated himself, the  awkwardness of a late arrival present in the restrained attitude of  his limbs as he strove to not disrupt the choice places of those who had proceeded him here. He flashed a warm apologetic smile to the  short priestess of Thumis as he almost trod on her foot.    A scholar by the look of her; she, as well as a few others, were unknown to him. Tsutel ran a hand through his short and unruly hair as he looked around at the others who had responded to the summons of  the clanhead.  He gave Dlan a sharp nod and friendly smile, a familiar face from temple and yard, and similarly acknowledged Tsurana, who he had encountered numerous times passing in the halls between their family suites.  Tsutel recognized the skinny hiSoruna priest of Qon,  though he could not recall his name, and thought that the muscular  priestess of Thumis looked familiar though he could not place the  reason why.  Doubtless they had also crossed in the hallways.  The others were unknown to him, and he eyed the foreigner with polite  interest.  When the dlantukoi made mention of the Glory of Worm clan, the well-  tanned Chegarran frowned.  It was an expression that remained on his  face throughout Kotaru's speech and the words of his clan-cousins  that followed, though Tsutel nodded in agreement with Sruma's words.  He kept his own counsel for now, absorbing the words of his kinsmen and awaiting Kotaru's illumination. 



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