Golden Dawn Chronicles
The Story Thus Far
Chapter Three
Answers And More Questions
Last Update: Saturday, November 18, 2000
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"If you do not feel we should act on this matter, I understand and commend your own nobility. However, I cannot deny I would
be disappointed. I had hoped I would see our property returned to use before Lord Bélkhanu claimed me for his own," finished the
clanmaster."And so you shall, if my efforts prove of any worth," replied Hritkolun. "I am content and honoured to be chosen. As for whether our acts will be seen as 'lan' or 'bussan', I offer this. First, while I do not subscribe to the 'Doctrine of Eventuation of the Goal and Its Concomitant Glorification of the Path Thereto', I do not believe that retrieving what belongs to one, from a thief, is bussan. If the guards are unavailable, one may go and get one's goods. And secondly, I have found that, in my studies of history, it is oftimes the victor who decides whether an act is considered 'lan', or not. "I suggest that we be successful, and let the Bringers of Plaint sort out the noble actions, when *we* have the documents."
Tsutel shifts to his knees and bows fully to the dlantukoi, placing hands and head to the ground. Sitting up, he speaks, his voice deep and melliflous."Esteemed One, if you would ask this of us it must be lan, for it is not possible for the dlantukoi of the Great Golden Dawn to be anything other than correct in his perceptions and desires. If this thing must be done, and we are those selected by you to do it, then I will not hesitate to be the hands of action for our clan. I can think of no greater honour than Horgoma's continued regard." He holds Kotaru's eyes during the last statement, bordering on the edge of propriety.
After placing his forehead to the ground again, Tsutel sits upon his heels and turns to the others collected in the room.
"Know the full power of your decision. If we fail in this endeavor, our lives as we know them are no longer ours. Bussan servants of the Ancient Worm may kill us outright; at best we may hope to become nakome or slaves. Golden Dawn will not be able to afford our shelter. Decide carefully, I would not have shield-mates who deceive themselves as to the potential outcome of this moment."
Tsutel meets the eyes of those who allow it. His eyes are more compassionate than his words; he would not have his clan-brothers and -sisters misstep. A mixture of pained grief and fiery resolve are painted in his gaze, apparent to any who care to look.
Hritkolun was not one to look searchingly into another's eyes-- save, perhaps, his consort's-- and wished not to give offense, by seeming to challenge one of greater status. He avoided the direct stare, but nodded. "Priest-Warrior Tsutel is, of course, correct, that the enterprise will likely be fraught with peril both social and physical. However, in my case, at least, the Followers of the Worm will have no slaves or sacrifices. Death is, in a way, another ritual, for those of us who follow Qon."He glanced over at Sruma.
Sruma's brow furrowed slightly as he framed his questions, "Cousin Tsutel has put in words the feelings in our hearts. Were such as we discovered within the Temple of the Worm Lord, our fates would be remarkably unpleasant. Wise dlantukoi, while my noble cousins formulate their vows of loyalty and commitment, may I be permitted another question? You (of obeisance in peace) have described the generous offer made by the high-minded clanhead of the Glory of the Worm. But what is it we can offer in exchange? Surely they are better prepared to find documents within their own temple? Why do they not simply retrieve the deeds themselves, and allow us to reward them for their vigorous pursuit of justice? The Noble Mridok hiSorisa would accomplish a great deed of noble action, repair the injured fortunes of his clan, and receive a token of esteem from the Golden Dawn Clan to add savor to the accomplishment. What, in this matter, could we do that our opposites in the Glory of the Worm clan could not? I imagine they may not be too welcome in the Temple of Sarku now, but surely a pack of young Stability-priests would be no more welcome, except as worm food.""I too am eager to assist in the retrieval of our lost wealth, and I am honored to have been included in this company. But it is not yet clear to me what role we can best play."
As Aknállu heard the responses from his cousins, they appeared to be overly cautious. Even the cousin-follower of Karakán expressed reservations and the cousin-follower of Chegárra remained silent. If his clanmaster has asked this of them then the first response should not be to question if it should be done, but how it should be performed for the glory of the clan. Upon hearing no other voices from his cousins, he spoke: "Clanmaster, forgive me for being presumptuous, but there is always some measure of Noble Action in correcting an indignity to the clan. The elders are justifiably concerned in how it is corrected. The specific remedial action is what we must discuss.""There is also nobility in helping another clan that comes to us for our assistance. Our clan would certainly benefit from strengthened ties with even these followers of Sárku."
After speaking, his thoughts went back to the enormity of the endeavor. To actually enter the Temple of Sárku would be repugnant, but to enter on such a mission as this would require overcoming deep seated fears. In addition, many safeguards set up by the temple would have to be defeated and they might even include overcoming the undead. Many preparations will have to be made.
Tsutel nodded his head in agreement with the skinny Qon-priest's statements. He would have to make an attempt to re-discover this worthy's name, for it seemed as though he remembered Tsutel's.Noticing that he had been obstructing the view of the Thumis priestess, the Chegarran looked around for another spot in the room. Not finding one, he motioned to the spot he still occupied, indicating to the priestess that he would be willing to trade places with her.
As the handsome Chegarran priest knelt before Kotaru and pronounced his readiness to risk status, honor and life for the clan, Linatla finally got a clear view of her clanmaster. For a span, she did not speak, her thoughts racing first to her mother, then to her father (May Qon have guided him safely!) who had not hesitated to give his life when called upon to perform his duty. She covertly studied Kotaru's face, noting its contours and turning over every memory she had of his previous actions. Then she too knelt before him."It is not often that a follower of Thumis would get this chance to view the inner workings of a Sarku Temple. You offer both knowledge and the restoration of what is rightfully ours. What can I do but pledge my support and effort?" Her voice is not quite strong enough to carry the bravado, but neither does it fail the words.
*I can handle undead,* she thought, glancing around at her warrior and sorceror clan-cousins. It was a reassuring sight, though her gaze did linger for a moment on her cousin Argetl hiTlakan, the apothecary. Odd that his bearer slave remained in the room.
Tsurána bows low and says, "My doubts have been washed away as if after a long rain. Clanmaster, you have my life and honor in your hands to do with as you will." To the others assembled, she states, "Let us become as a single tool to be wielded by our esteemed clanmaster. If we should die in the attempt, Lord Belkhánu will guide us to the Paradises of Teretáne."
Dlan also bows low. "I am more than satisfied! Let us hurry to glory!" He smiles too brightly, and then contains himself, in an attempt not to look too eager.
Tsutel nods as those gathered chime in their support of the mission, until he raises his voice slightly above the hubbub."Well spoken, cousins! But I would hear more of the question of our priest of Qon. What can we offer the Glory of the Worm in this endeavor? And does anyone else have such vital questions that have as yet gone unasked?"
Turning to the dlantukoi, Tsutel bows deeply.
"Esteemed Elder, we do not wish to overuse your valuable time or to question the logistics of your plan for greatness. Perhaps it best if we ascertain who here is committed to this task, and then organize
ourselves and our questions and concerns. When we have a clearer understanding of these things we can meet again with you, and not offend you with our confusion."
"Agreed cousin." Areli's voice breaks the silence after Tsutel makes her suggestion. The tall, dark and muscular youg woman lifts herself slightly from her kneeling position, her head now raised above those around her."I for one, have little doubt that there is any one of us here that might wish to forego this opportunity to reclaim and reinforce our noble heritage - to take back that which is rightfully ours. Yet, I must concur with with our esteemed Priest of Qon-" Areli inclines her head slightly towards Sruma hiSoruna. "-that we must be sure of the motives of the Clan of the Glory of the Worm and what it is that they offer us and expect to gain in return."
Then she looks at Kotáru hiHketoketl. "Dlanotusmi, might I ask that once the matter of those of us, if any, that wish to abstain from this venture, has been settled, that we may meet with the Clan of the Glory of the Worm to determine our next step?"
Fhenestor listens from his spot behind and a little to one side of Aknallu, trying to understand what the elderly man is saying. Was it a lecture on some arcane or religious subject? Was this Kotaru a noted philosopher or diplomat? He could not tell, but that mysterious, dreadfully important word 'lan' had been used by several of those present. He wished that he'd studied under Mahkailh; the Brothers of the Mysteries of the Mind surely had spells which could translate foreign speech, but his own brotherhood did not. Staying quiet and imitating the subservient postures of the local servants as best he could, Fhenestor listened and hoped to learn. The more he understood, he reasoned, the better he could serve this Aknallu who the legless Argetl had given his services to.
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