Tekumel:  The World Of The Petal Throne

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Last Update:  Saturday, November 18, 2000

Amber Cloak Clan
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Mízhotl hiViridu - (Fourth Circle) Ritual Priest of Qón, Temple of Béy Sü

An ancient and very pious teacher, espouses the Doctrine of Contemplation of the Round of Being, a mystic form of worship involving lots of  silent meditation and contemplation.  As Rashángto Mízhotl tells it, this is the revealed instruction of Sengélu, "The Ascetic", 9th Aspect of Qón.  Mízhotl is considered quite eccentric by the temple hierarchy, and his teachings are totally out of vogue, but his seniority and unassailable piety have kept him in his place. Srúma hiSóruna was a devoted follower, and still tries to maintain his meditative regime.

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