Name:  Mary Louise Rawls Anderson (goes by Mary)

Age:  Over 40, that’s all you need to know.  Birthplace:  Natchez, MS

Reared:  Natchez, MS

Education:  B.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1970,  Univ. of Mississippi

Licenses:  Certified Quality Engineer, Certified Quality Auditor

Employment:  Engineer/Accountant at Delphi Packard, Clinton, MS

Avocations:  Gardening (flowers and vegetables).  Landscaping.  Family genealogy.

Other:  Mary adores animals. and is the driving force behind the “Anderson Family Animal Rescue League”.

 Likes:  MUSIC — Some country music, some old rock ‘n roll, Ed Ames, Dean Martin, Bobby Goldsboro.  TV — Very little.  RADIO — Listens to country stations most of the time.  BOOKS — True-life stories, Mississippi  authors, mysteries and thrillers.

 Dislikes:  Loud, sharp, or irritating noises especially modern music, people with large egos, crowds.


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