I grew the beard in honor of my great-grandfather James Jefferson Anderson, who was a sergeant in Company K (aka the Amite Defenders) of the 33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment,  Confederate States Army.  Click here to see his photo.

Name:  Wayne Bryant Anderson, Sr.  (go by Wayne)

Born: 22 October 1946  Birthplace:  Centreville, MS   Reared:  Liberty/Amite Co., MS

Education:  B.S. in Chemical Engineer, 1969, Univ. of Mississippi

Licenses:  Registered Professional Engineer in Mississippi.

Employment:  Branch Chief, Miss. Dept. of Environmental Quality, Office of Pollution Control, Air Division.

Avocations:  Fooling around with computers.  History, especially the history  of the War Between the States and my ancestors' involvement in the war.  I am a devout member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and  publish the Jefferson Davis Camp 635 newsletter, the Reveille. Playing the guitar.  Writing WBTS-related lyrics to fit Celtic folksongs.

Other:  Like my wife, who you’ll meet next, I have a tender spot for animals which is why all our animals, except the horse, came by way of rescuing them from abandonment.

 Likes:  MUSIC — Like rock & roll (Creedence Clearwater Revival, Webb Wilder), some heavy metal (Metallica -- the "black" album, S/M), folk (Ian & Sylvia, Ian Tyson (solo), Gordon Lightfoot, anybody doing Confederate versions of mid-1800s songs), bluegrass, Celtic (Enya, Tommy Makem & the Clancy Brothers, Chieftains), classical, stage (Gilbert & Sullivan operettas).  MOVIES — Like historical dramas, e.g. Gettysburg, Gods and Generals, Braveheart, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart movies, all genres.  TV — X-Files, Alias.  BOOKS — Histories, memoirs, personal experiences, Stephen King novels.  RADIO — The Big Show with John Boy and Billy.

Dislikes:  Most jazz, most modern blues, all rap (it ain’t music, folks), art films, anything promoting homosexuality, gun control, or political correctness.


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