The Golden Dawn
clanhouse stands just beyond the Gate of Old Bones in Patyél's
Wall, which separates the Old City from the newer sections that have
grown up around it over the millennia. Although solidly middle rank
these days, Golden Dawn boasts an Engsvanyáli heritage
(or so its elders claim), which would explain its clanhouse's location
at the edges of the Old City. Of course, the clanhouse is also not
far from those of more business-oriented clans or from the Great
Market of Ashonétl Viriddá, a fact that more truly aristocratic
clans never fail to mention when old Kotáru makes grand pronouncements
about his clan's place in the Soul of the World.
Not far
away are the Barracks of the Legion of Hnálla, Master of Light,
and the Palace of War, both of which have seen Golden Dawn influence
over the years. The clanhouse itself is modest and shows
signs of having once been grander and more impressive than its current
state, a fact that buttresses the elders' claims about the clan's
ancient nobility. Children run freely throughout its halls, followed
closely by the good clan girls who mind them. Though not wealthy,
Golden Dawn's numbers are large and grow more so each year, as the
end of the Civil War returned many young men and women to Béy
Sü to settle down and start families of their own. The familiar
smells of cooking waft through the halls as well, reminding visitors
that the clan still knows how to feed its members in style.
You inform one
of the servants that the clanmaster has sent for you, showing his
missive and seal. The slave immediately leads you through the clanhouse's
various apartments, reminding you of the time you spent here as a
child, running about with your cousins, just as the youngsters do
even now. You pass the rooms of relatives whom you know well, in
addition to those whose names you barely recognize. Yes, there have
been many changes in the clanhouse since your youth and you cannot
help but think there will be many more in the days ahead.
The slave leads you at last to Kotáru's rooms, where you find the
old man sitting on the floor with a large number of scrolls arrayed
before him. At first, he takes no notice of your entrance, but a
cough from the slave draws his attention. The old man, bald and cleanshaven,
looks up at you and smiles. The slave helps him to his feet
and Kotáru extends his hands in greeting. "I am
so pleased you could make it on such short notice. There is much
to discuss. Come, follow me." He then walks -- with an obvious limp
-- toward an adjoining room, where you find even more scrolls opened
on a short table, as well as numerous cousins, some of whom you haven't
seen since childhood. Seeing how utterly undistinguished they all
are -- including yourself -- you can't help but wonder what old Kotáru
is playing at.
Sensing your curiosity,
the old man announces, "I suppose you are all wondering why I have
called you here today." He waits only for a moment before continuing,
"As I explained in my letter, I believe the time is now right to
restore our clan to greatness, to take back those things the Usurper
wrongfully stole from us."
"Recently, I was
approached by a member of the Glory of the Worm clan. He and his
clan suffered mightily during the Usurper's reign as well. Though
followers of mighty Lord Sárku, Glory of the Worm did not
support the Usurper, believing -- quite rightly -- that his 'reign'
was an abomination to the gods, as well as to men. Thus, they too
lost agricultural lands outside the city to more loyal followers
of the Usurper."
"This member of
the Glory of the Worm approached me because he believed we could
aid one another in regaining our lost property. He suspects that
the God-emperor need only see legal document showing proof of our
respective ownership in order to return what is ours. I have consulted
with several legalists, who share his opinion. Unfortunately, the
deeds to both our claims are no longer held by us, having been taken
by the Domed Tomb clan along with our property. That is why I have
need of you. I want to get those deeds back, in order to press our
claim before the emperor."
"As you have probably
guessed, the clan elders do not support this action and have asked
me not to undertake it. That is why I have turned to you. Were you
to take this action on your own, the censure of the clan would not
befall me. However, doing so entails great risks and I will
understand if up and coming young people such as yourselves are reluctant
to undertake it. Nevertheless, I believe the time is right to act.
With the aid of the Glory of the Worm -- who know that noble actions
transcends religious affiliation -- we can succeed, but only with
your help."
"Will you help
me?" Kotáru then looks around the room, awaiting
the many questions and objections that have already bubbled forth
in your mind -- and undoubtedly in the minds of your cousins as well.