Tekumel:  The World Of The Petal Throne

Welcome to the Golden Dawn Chronicles

Last Update:  Saturday, November 18, 2000

These pages are a record of the events of James Maliszewski's Play-By-E-Mail (PBEM) Tekumel Campaign. I am your host, Ireshmu hiKhanmiyel, a humble scribe and Priest of Thumis of the First Circle.  Any inquiries about this site or its contents may be directed to: horus@netdoor.com.  As the campaign gets underway, I intend to summarize the flow of events in the form of a possibly enjoyable story. 
The Choosing of Players is completed.  You are invited to browse to "The Players & Their Characters" to see who is playing and to read about their characters.  The adventure is just now beginning.  To follow the story, you are invited to peruse "The Story Thus Far".
Oh, and if you wandered in here by accident and don't have a clue what the words "Tekumel",  "Tsolyani", "Thumis" or "Kolumejalim" might mean, please click on the link to www.tekumel.com here or at the top of the page.  This will take you to Peter Gifford's award-winning website about our favorite Fantasy Role Playing millieu, M.A.R. Barker's Tekumel, The World of The Petal Throne.

The Players & Their Characters The Story Thus Far The Non-Player Characters
The Rule Systems Used The Chronology The Treasures
Sketches, Maps, & Drawings Surrounding & Background Events Files/Downloads

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