Tekumel:  The World Of The Petal Throne

The Golden Dawn Chronicles
The Story Thus Far


Last Update:  Saturday, November 18, 2000

The Gods watch with interest from Their vasty halls in the Planes Beyond, waiting for the drama to unfold.  Dread Lord Ksarul dreams His endless dreaming in the Blue Room, and watches also, after His own fashion.  The One Other shapes events unseen, laughing secretly at the surprises He has in store for Gods and men alike.  She Who Must Not Be Named also surveys the scene, scheming how She may best make use of events to gain entry into the plane of Tekumel once again.  Myriad others are watching from the countless outer planes as well.

The Call is issued forth!  Many are they who appear in answer.  They stand arrayed before the gaze of the One Other, awaiting The Choosing in a room that is not a room, in a place that is not a place.  One has departed already, taking upon himself a Geas:  he will be gifted with visions as the events of the drama occur, and shall chronicle them for the edification of all who may read and understand.

Those who remain await The Choosing with growing impatience and eagerness, for they are ready to begin their new adventures.  These things, however, cannot be rushed.  The One Other moves in mysterious ways, and will accomplish His will and pleasure in the fullness of time.

Several have fallen, to return to their world beyond the Planes Beyond, but One has come forth - a young and studious woman, now seen to be a priestess of The Lord Of Wisdom, Great Thumis.  Her name is first to be entered into this record.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Linatla hiTlakan!  There is no fear in her, and she smiles serenely, beckoning her companions to win through to the Sun Circle as she has so that the adventures may begin. 

Another steps bravely into the light of the Sun Circle!  By his vestments, he is marked a priest of Qon, Ancient One of Pleasures, Guardian of The Gates of Hell Against Those Who Would Come Forth and Cohort of Mighty Belkhanu, Master of The Excellent Dead.  A man with much zest for life, he, too, has conquered fear to stand beside the young priestess of Thumis as the second to be entered into the record-scroll of The One Other. Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Hritkolun hiSoruna!  Together with this fair priestess he stands ready, calling to the others to hasten, for the energies of other-planar transport are building strength.  Soon now will the the Chosen Ones ride the eldritch light to burst forth upon the world and begin The Dance of Life and Death!

Whirling gracefully as she approaches the Sun Circle comes a second priestess of The Lord of Wisdom.  Her simple kirtle and kilt, the black band that binds her hair, and the practiced grace with which she courageously approaches mark her as a Dederatlkoi, and a tall strong young woman.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Areli Turugdashen hiFesrengala!  Three now stand together,  joined by their desire to quit this strange plane and begin the journey of adventure.

A young man now steps forth, his gait the rolling walk of a sailor, and his simple vest and kilt adorned with the trappings of a lay-priest of Qon, Cohort of Mighty Belkhanu, Master of The Excellent Dead.  His eyes dance in search of pleasure, true, at least in that respect, to his calling.  He calls to those that remain to hasten, so that this Voyage of Discovery can begin.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Sruma hiSoruna!  He enters the Sun Circle as the fourth player in The Great Game!

Enters now the Sun Circle a young warrior!  Dashing and immaculate in the polished livery of the Guard of the Temple of Karakan, the Mighty Hero of The Final Day, Lord of Ever-Glorious War, his rank is that of Tirrikamu - a leader of men.  His brightly shining sword hangs ready to his hand as he surveys his companions in the pale light of this place that is not a place, and the faint hint of a smile crosses his features as he contemplates the glorious deeds to come in the Great Quest for Victory.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Dlan hiVraisúna!  Five souls taste now the strange fires that play on them, the beating of their hearts joined as one booming drum.  That taste is sweet, indeed!

A young man steps forth with measured pace, the light of a quickened mind burning from his intent gaze on the surroundings.  He bears himself with quiet grace, and yet there stirs something of the warrior within his carriage, like a young Zrne eager for the kill.  His dress and manner of appearance are those of a Junior Priest of Ketengku, The Many-Eyed, Knower of All, Master of Scrolls and Cohort of The Lord of Wisdom, Mighty Thumis.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Aknallu hiHketoketl!  Six are now the number of noble beings basking in the Sun Circle's glow.  Six hearts resonating to the power of transport gathering itself.  The time grows near!

A neatly bearded man of strange aspect moves to join those already assembled.  His stature is short, but it conceals a certain coiled power that is evident in his movements.  His eyes, mirrored pools filled with shifting shadows, survey the scene inscrutably, never hinting at what might be going on behind them.  It is not readily evident which of the gods he favors from his dress or appearance.  His left hand he keeps concealed in the folds of his robes as though ashamed of some deformity or defect.  His round face, broad nose and other features mark him as other than Tsolyani in heritage, as does his name.  Let all who watch now bear witness to the name of Fhènestor-Haddà-Psàk-Thàrpyen mage and traveller!  As he steps into the Sun Circle, the light glistens, reflecting from those strange eyes, and the barest hint of a smile crosses his lips.  Seven they are now, who wait to travel onward.  Only one more remains, and he is swift approaching.  There begins a thready whistling, like an errant wind, and the energies caressing the Sun Circle begin a stately spiral current about the ready travellers.

As if on winged feet, comes the final One Chosen!  His immense,  powerful frame is buffeted by the growing energies as he struggles bravely into the Sun Circle. Stepping forward to join his companions, he has the look of a swordsman and a warrior.  He branshes his sword, calling out the name of his Lord, Mighty Chegarra, The Hero King, Swordsman of Glory, and Victorious Lord, Cohort of Mighty Karakan, The Ultimate Warrior On The Final Day and God of Ever-Glorious War.  As he sheathes his noble blade, a bird of prey, his hunting bird, comes to rest on his shoulder as if from nowhere, landing gracefully and regarding all it sees with the majesty of a true hunter.  Let all who now watch bear witness to the name of Tsutel hiHketoketl!  The Sun Circle is completed, and a powerful throbbing begins as the spiral flowing of those arcane energies gathers even more strength.  Surveying the tableau assembled, The One Other nods at all beatifically, as if in benediction, and disapears in an azure blaze.  None but The Chosen remain in the chamber now, and the energies of the Sun Circle at its center expand to engulf all.  As they feel a pleasant tingling begin in their limbs, all the Chosen are consumed by sparkling points of light, like dust motes in sunlight.  They are riding the light into the World of Tekumel!

There comes one late into the chamber!  Wild-eyed with the panic of one late to the wedding feast, she flings herself pell-mell into the Sun Circle, broaching the wall of eldritch energies there by main force of will.  Steeling herself against the power in this place, she struggles to join The Chosen in their ride down to the world of being, and it looks as though she will succeed.  Realizing this, she stretches out her arms in victorious elation and prayer to her lord, Great Belkhanu, as the fires of transport play on nine travellers, making their number complete.  Let all who now watch bear witness to the name of Tsurána hiFesrengála!  The One Other lifts a sleepy eyelid to take note of her arrival and smiles a secret smile to see her there.  The circle of His plans is now fulfilled.  He winks out of the chamber with the closing of His eye, and the travellers begin their descent.

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