[Japanese] [Welcome!] [Studio BE] [America Offline] [Hummingbird]

[Studio BE]

[Eiji Takano] [E]iji Takano is from Tokyo, Japan where he worked as a chief documentary cameraman for NHK-TV and was editor-in-chief of Monthly Cameraman Journal. He creates Macintosh freeware including an adventure game called 'Hijacker!' and some animation programs.

[Tibby the Cat]

[T]ibby the Cat. We named him after Okatibbee Lake in Meridian. The posture of our logo is of a Japanese Happy Cat. The bending paw (It's like to " Come in! " for Japanese people) is beckoning customers to our door (with their money. Heh heh!).

Please check out Tibby's Gallery.

[Japanese] [Welcome!] [Studio BE] [America Offline] [Hummingbird]

Copyright © 1996-2011 Studio BE
Address: 421 Willow Ridge drive #26, Meridian MS 39301 U.S.A.