(Updated Monday, 8 April 2002)
Hello, and welcome to the webpage for Hub City Linux Users' Group. We welcome members from USM's Linux Users' Group to participate in HubLUG, and encourage all our members to hook up with USM LUG, as they are a great bunch of folks. We have much to share with each other in our two groups.Our last meeting, held 7 March 2002, saw few in attendance. In an effort to help our attendance out, the meeting has been moved back for April to the second Thursday. Accordingly....
Our Next Meeting is Scheduled for:
11 April 2002, 7:00 P.M.
Forrest County Center
Building 5
Pearl River Community College
5448 US Highway 49 South
Hattiesburg, MSAny persons interested in Linux in the Hattiesburg area are invited to attend and get involved.
Tentatively on the agenda:
Your humble webmaster has investigated the possibilities for acquiring a domain for the group which will have email hosting capabilities. If it proves economically feasible, we may move the mailing list to the new domain to get away from Yahoo's latest round of spamming tactics. We need to talk more about this - it is my intent to purchase the domain and the hosting myself unless other resources exist of which I am unaware.
Gary Ratcliff has recently gotten a copy of BearOps Linux which we are hoping to install on someone's unsuspecting system (probably my ThinkPad 600E, although I just got Red Hat 7.2 going and am well pleased with it so far...) BearOps is supposed to be very simple to install, and a solid performer.
The mailing list is still the best way to contact members of the group. We offer the link below as a quick way to get hooked up. Click on the link below, and enter "hublug" in the search window to get you there. If you have trouble finding us, send email to horus@netdoor.com and we can subscribe you directly. See you there!
A Manifesto
for Hub City Linux Users' Group:
(an editorial
view, not necessarily that of Hub City LUG...)
We should advocate and support the use of Linux in our community. Individual users on their desktops need to know that there is now a choice that may fit their needs for a fast, secure, and flexible network operating system.This advocacy includes the business community, which is just now beginning to discover the freedom and power of Linux. As Linux becomes increasingly popular, and as more and better business applications begin to emerge, applying Linux to business will become a priority for our group. It is hoped that in our advocacy efforts we will be able to help the local business community take advantage of the power, security and reliability Linux can offer to them. We welcome any inquiries from area businesses about Linux.
We should also work toward the creation of a Beowulf Cluster to provide the group with a vehicle for gaining experience with this reliable, proven technology for affordable supercomputing. Contributing to the construction and implementation of such a cluster would be a valuable way of gaining training and expertise that would translate into "real world" computer (job) skills for our members.
Establishing the group Cluster would be a signal event, affording the group opportunities for involvement with technologies that might otherwise be out of our individual reaches.We should also get together at every opportunity and just have some fun. Maybe a barbecue or a keg party or something. After all, Linux is a party animal's operating system, too...
We should commit to working together with other groups in our community (such as USM LUG, SMLUG, and LUGOJ) when opportunity presents itself. After all, we're all in this together.
These are only the beginnings, for who can say how much value can be placed on the human interactions that will bring these things to pass? This is the highest value and the best reason for re-forming HubLUG: to establish a community which will endure and ensure that this greatest of human experiments in Free Computing will be of maximum benefit to all mankind.
Stepping down from the soapbox, let us offer you these links to return to the World Wide Web, always in progress...
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